The Land of Beginning Again Poem Tone

Last night I barbarous asleep reading "The Country of Showtime Once again" by Louisa Fletcher (Mrs. Willard Connely). Ambian® couldn't accept worked any ameliorate.

My wife and son are at the Junior Classical League of N Carolina, held each year at Wake Forest. John Michael is having a nail. He is in his element at writing Latin-related plays, then performing them, and today doing sight reading (I just learned that he won a Gold Medal final nighttime for writing "modern myth." I am so very proud of him). And then I am praying for him and all of the others, that they may do their best and equally unto the Lord. But, lone here, I am thinking of many other things. As I went to bed final dark, I decided to read poesy. I am reading through Poems for Patriarchs: The Verse and Prose of Christian Manhood [i]. I was so moved equally I came across a quaint onetime poem, early 20th century, "The Land of Beginning Again." Coming upon this particular verse form was like a pleasant, serendipidous encounter at a volume store (but in my bed!) with an old friend (careful with quoting this, please!). I accept used this poem in several sermons across the years. It was skillful to settle down and read it for itself, not for homiletic employment necessarily, only pure personal soul enrichment, which is what a poem should practice in my manner of thinking. How wonderful my time was with this verse by Mrs. Connely.

Not all poems brand it to the movies, but this one did. The poem started in a magazine, Harpers, and so made it to print in a collection of her works, with this most famous verse form being the championship of her 1921 book[2] (that I at present happily own) When Bing Crosby sang the lyrical-musical version of this verse form in "The Bells of St. Mary" (if you have never heard it, yous owe yourself this listen) as Father Charles "Chuck" O'Malley, well, information technology was just the thing to serenity the hearts, if not for three minutes, of worried mothers and fathers, and young wives, over their men beyond the sea, mopping up a world war. The song (1945) with words and music past Grant Clarke and George Meyer[3] is based quite unmistably, if not unashamedly, on the poem. And it is equally wonderfully heart-warming to listen to as it is to read, though some words have been changed and other lines added. But 1 can appreciate the heartbeat of the verse form fifty-fifty in the adapted lyrics. And having "Father O'Malley" croon information technology out doesn't hurt a scrap. Merely here is the affair that got me: another poet had taken liberty with Louisa Fletcher's picayune verse, simply similar the songwriters, and had added a few lines. I normally don't appreciate such unpermitted collaaberation, but, once more similar the former Bing Crosby vocal, I didn't listen at all. Irena Arnold added five new stanzas to adapt the verse form to her own reflection on its beautiful message. I quote from one of them:

"There's a wonderful identify for the whole human race
Called "The Land of Starting time Once more;"
Where the acts of the past, in forgiveness cast,
Ascension no more, for God's pardon we proceeds!
And the Savior nosotros fine, who will always exist kind
As the King of our hearts, He shall reign.
And though sin-sick and sad, nosotros will e'er be glad,
In "The Land of Beginning Once again." [4]

The poem that started so long ago as a sentiment for the hope in the heart of every human being for a new life, a new beginning, became the hope of a nation in World War Ii, and adpated to the bulletin of the Gospel of Jesus Christ became an illustration in sermons, and finally, for me, alone in my bed, the sweet, repose presence of Jesus Christ.

"I will restore Israel to his pasture, and  he shall feed on  Carmel and in  Bashan, and his desire shall be satisfied on the hills of Ephraim and in  Gilead" (Jeremiah 50.xix).
"Therefore, if anyone is  in Christ, he is  a new creation.   The old has passed abroad; behold, the new has come up" (two Corinthians five.17).

And those promises are truly leading us on to "The Country of Beginning Again." Thank you Mrs. Connely. Thanks Irena Arnold. Thank y'all Lord. I know, in my life, that embedded in this poem is the power of the Gospel, a new heavens and a new globe, a "Land of Showtime Once again." Information technology is a "state" that nosotros can, though Christ, begin to claim even now. Again.

[1] Poems for Patriarchs: The Verse and Prose of Christian Manhood, ed. Douglas W. Phillips (San Antonio, TX: The Vision Forum, Inc., 2005).

[ii] Louisa Fletcher,The State of Beginning Once again (Boston,: Pocket-sized, [c1921]).

[3] Grant and Meyer Clarke, George W.,In the Land of Showtime Once more, Film, "The Bells of St. Mary'southward".

[4] Poems for Patriarchs: The Verse and Prose of Christian Manhood, 52.


Clarke, Grant and Meyer, George W. In the Land of First Again. Moving-picture show, "The Bells of St. Mary's". 1946.

Fletcher, Louisa. The Land of Beginning Again. Boston,: Small, [c1921].

Poems for Patriarchs: The Poetry and Prose of Christian Manhood. Edited past Douglas W. Phillips. San Antonio, TX: The Vision Forum, Inc., 2005.

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