Is a Step Grqandfather by Marriage Immediate Family

The people nosotros phone call 'family' are more diverse than ever before, as family unit unit definitions have been changing over the past few decades.

Leap alee to these sections:

  • What's an Extended Family?
  • Extended versus Nuclear versus Immediate Family
  • Who is Included in Your Extended Family unit?
  • Who is Not Included in Your Extended Family?
  • Extended Family and the Affect on Bereavement Go out Policies

There are more families than ever where children have dissimilar parents and alive together with step-parents. There are also a wide variety of arrangements, such as children being raised past a unmarried parent, by grandparents, or by their much-older siblings. Families have e'er been a complex web of connections, and at present they are fifty-fifty more so.

Extended family has long been a take hold of-all term for your entire family, including everyone related to you. Ever wondered where your immediate family ends and where your extended family begins? Luckily, we've got some answers for yous.

The most overarching answer, when it comes to determining who your family is, will always be "it depends."

What'southward an Extended Family unit?

Text about extended family over an image of a family at the beach

When we think of the strict definition of extended family, information technology helps to consider a family unit tree. In almost family trees, any given ancestor is connected by a line to their parents, siblings, spouse, and children. These one-line relatives are the immediate family unit.

As such, this person's relationships with others in the family unit tree beyond those first few are "the extended family unit." They are those who are at to the lowest degree two 'lines' away from a given person on the tree.

So your brother is your immediate family unit, merely his wife or kid is your extended family. Your mother is your firsthand family unit, only her father is your extended family. If you can trace a connection to someone, they're generally considered part of your extended family.

In some sense, the whole world is role of your extended family. When the complexity of tracing the human relationship becomes also slap-up — think fifth cousins, for instance — people tend to stop thinking of each other as extended family.

With modern software and applications, it is possible to find a third cousin twice removed who lives on the other side of the world, which can make your extended family feel larger.

A more expansive way of thinking of family may include people your family has unofficially brought in as family. An example would be a couple who are close family unit friends, where your children grew up calling them Aunt and Uncle.

Different cultures mistiness or keep clear the distinctions betwixt family and friends. Some people see relationships other than those of blood relation and wedlock as family relationships.

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Example of an extended family unit

Here'southward a fictional take to explain who is considered to exist your extended family. Alice has ane brother as well as a mother and male parent, here are some people who'd be considered her extended family.

  • Alice's grandmother, Sue, and grandfather, Joseph.
  • Alice'south mother's sister, Joan, who is her aunt.
  • Joan's children, Clive and Anastasia.
  • Alice's great uncle David and his seven children.
  • Alice's distant keen-grandfather Matthias who lived in a far-abroad country from where she lives at present.
  • If Alice's mother got divorced and remarried, her new spouse Evan's family would all be members of Alice's extended family unit.

Extended versus Nuclear versus Immediate Family

Extended families offering an umbrella term to describe anybody who isn't part of your firsthand family. As a reminder, immediate family are your siblings, parents, spouse, and children. A more rigid, specific definition of the immediate family is the 'nuclear' family unit.

A nuclear family describes only two parents, a mother and a father, and their children living at home. Information technology sometimes is also considered a parent and his or her children, forth with a partner if that parent has one.

Nuclear family is a more traditional unit that doesn't depict as many households in the United States as information technology did in the past. Firsthand family offers a valuable gray surface area of anyone "directly" connected to the person in question.

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Who is Included in Your Extended Family?

List of who is included in your extended family over an image of flowers

These are but a few of the many levels of family who might exist considered role of your extended family.

  • Grandparents or grandchildren
  • Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins
  • Farther-out, second cousins, corking-aunts and keen-uncles, and nieces and nephews.
  • Cousins once-removed, the children of your cousins.
  • Many people include the family members in blended families, including pace-siblings, step-parents, half-siblings, and ex-spouses, equally extended family.

Calling members of blended families your "extended" family will vary in usage. The elements of composite families accept get more and more common in contempo decades.

Each person'south relative closeness to step-siblings and footstep-parents volition influence whether they're more like immediate family or more like extended family unit.

Who is Not Included in Your Extended Family unit?

These are the principal individuals who won't be considered extended family unit. They'll instead be called your immediate or nuclear family unit, depending on how your family unit is structured.

  • Mothers and fathers
  • Brothers and sisters
  • Husbands or wives
  • Daughters or sons

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Extended Family unit and the Impact on Bereavement Leave Policies

Text about taking bereavement leave for the death of an extended family member over an image of branches with flowers

When you are grieving the loss of a member of your extended family , the company you work for may have a range of reactions if you need fourth dimension off. If you don't utilize bereavement get out frequently, they may approve any request you make. Some companies can accept that many of us are closer to a member of our extended family than we are to our immediate family.

In an endeavour to avoid discriminatory exit approval, some companies spell out exactly which family members are advisable for bereavement exit.

These policies may approve paid time off only for bereavement related to direct or immediate family unit members. These employers may opt to advise a secondary option, such every bit using vacation time, if you need to miss work for the funeral of an extended family member.

Ane extenuating cistron might be if your extended family member doesn't accept anyone else closer than you.

People make assumptions about closeness when they hear that this person was your great-aunt or your second cousin. If that person doesn't have siblings or their own children, you lot might be the next of kin. Consider making the case to your employer with the idea of being their "next of kin" in mind.

At that place is also the possibility of using unpaid get out, though few people prefer not to employ this if they don't have to.

The Family and Medical Leave Human action (FMLA) specified that, under sure conditions, you tin can take unpaid leave in order to treat family or attend to concerns similar planning a funeral. If an extended family member needs y'all or you need time to grieve for them, taking some FMLA go out may be the way to go.

Widening the Circle for the Whole Extended Family unit

Getting one'south immediate or nuclear family together for dinner might only need i tabular array. On the other manus, you practically take to plan a family reunion to get a whole extended family in one place. Many families find that 1 of the times they see each other most oft is when they want to get together to remember a loved i.

Though funerals tin can be sad, they often create new bonds. Equally the definition of family continues to expand, encompassing more people who are incredibly close with or without a claret or marriage bond, we all benefit. Having more supporting people in our community of family is very positive and helps us continue to be resilient and grow.


  1. "Paid Family Leave in the The states." Congressional Research Office . United States Government. 29 May 2019.
  2. "Family unit and Medical Leave Human activity." U.South. Section of Labor.


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